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Remediation: Putting Names to Faces

My essay is all about me, written entirely from my perspective, speculating on my identity and my place in the world. It's supported by a bit of research, but its entirely driven my by own opinions and experiences. The next step, then, is to look past myself towards other people with common names. 


I wanted to put the faces of people with the same name right next to each other, so close that I couldn't help but try to spot the differences and similarities betwen faces. Are common names associated with certain phenotypes? Or, is there no infallible way to distinguish a Hannah from an Emily? Moving past appearances, how do other people with common names experience their nominal lack of uniqueness? Are experiences and opinions influences by name, or by other identities?


The following images and interviews are presented in response to these questions. Before you get the answers, I ask you to take a chance to discover your own ideas. Can you tell the faces and words of Hannahs and Emilys apart from one another? Press "begin" to find out.

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